
Visitors from 42 countries in ValSotillo

Enoturistas México

Bodegas Ismael Arroyo has received in 2019 about 4,000 visitors, 57% from abroad. The total number of foreign visitors has reached 2,200, 10% more than the previous year and they have arrived from 42 countries, 10 more than in 2018.

The highest number of visits has taken place in May, with almost 600 and in June, (around 500). That means an average of 25/30 daily visitors.

The winery is open to visitors from Monday to Saturday. 

Wine lovers – USA and Puerto Rico

Not only the beauty and history of our 16th century handcarved cellar is an important attraction, but also the effort of the whole family to personalize every tour, offering a unique experience.

We are also members of  Ruta del Vino Ribera del Duero, which was the third wine route most visited in Spain in 2018. And we are founders of Denominación de Origen Ribera del Duero, which is getting more and more popularity and prestige.










Reviews of ValSotillo in New York Times or books  such as  Wine Trails , edited by Lonely Planet, help wine tourists to find us.  And some reports of our visitors and  wine lovers:

Booking in advance is needed to visit ValSotillo:

More information and prices in this link: