Ribera del Duero
www.winetourism.com has selected us among 3 wineries where Tempranillo grape variety wines are best tasted.
Our wines are elaborated with this variety 100% Tempranillo, also known in Ribera del Duero as Tinta del País or Tinto Fino.
Here are some wineries in Ribera del Duero where you can taste the best Tempranillo wines:
Tempranillo is the main grape in the Spanish wine region of Rioja. In other Spanish regions it could be found under the names Tinto Fino, Tinta del País, Aragones, Valdepeñas, or Tinta de Toro. Tempranillo is also grown in Portugal, where it is included in Port wine under the name Tinta Roriz.
Where is Tempranillo from?
Tempranillo originates from Spain, which is also its main producer, followed by Portugal in the Old World. More precisely, Tempranillo is one of the main red grapes in Rioja, Ribera del Duero, and Douro wine regions. Today the grape is grown also in countries such as France, Argentina, Australia, the US, and Mexico.
Interesting story about Tempranillo
Tempranillo in Spanish means early. The grape was called in such manner since it tends to ripen much earlier than the other grapes in Spain. It is considered to be native to Rioja, however across the whole Spain it is referred as «the noble grape». Another interesting story: for quite some time Italians were growing the grape they commonly referred to as Malvasia Nera, which they believed was a local Italian variety – not until the DNA research on Malvasia Nera was carried out, which proved that the grape was nothing but a genetical clone of the old Spanish Tempranillo that had been brought to Tuscany during the Roman times.
Tempranillo grape characteristics
The roots of Tempranillo easily absorb potassium, which leads to an increased acid content in the grape. This grape comes from sunny climates and grows very well being surrounded by mountains that protect it from the wind. It loves sunlight as it helps to reach the maximum sugar level. On the other hand, cold night temperatures help a lot for the tannins and acid to reach their perfect balance point.
Tempranillo Wines
Tempranillo aged in oak barrels makes a wine that improves with age and gives aromas of plum, tobacco, and leather. Whereas young Tempranillo gives us fresh and fruity tones with diverse palate of flavors. Tempranillo can be find in almost all wines from Rioja and Ribera del Duero regions. Tempranillo is usually blended with Grenache, Mazuela, Graciano, and, even, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Tinta Roriz (Portuguese name for Tempranillo) is one of the main grape variety in Port wine blend.
What to pair with Tempranillo?
The dominant flavors of Tempranillo go well with beef or lamb. Beside that, its great versatility gives ability to pair wine perfectly with tomato-based dishes like pasta or grilled vegetables.